Het archief met Hiya Toys EXQUISITE MINI actiefiguren begint met Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, Beach Head, Flint, Firefly, Lady Jaye en nu Major Bludd behoorlijke properties aan te nemen. Echt ontzettend tof!
En Major Bludd zelf is ook echt gigantisch tof!
Nu wil het geval dat je deze ook nog eens kunt winnen!
Meedoen kan tot 5 november. Hieronder de originele tekst:
🏆Hiya Giveaway: A chance to win our new EXQUISITE MINI G.I.Joe Major Bludd
Get ready for our new release and an amazing giveaway! We are delighted to announce that we are giving away our new action figure to one lucky winner!
📷How to Enter:
Follow the link below to enter our Giveaway:
The main step is:
Retweet our Major Bludd post on Twitter(X) @HiyaToys
⏰Giveaway period:
Start Date: 2023 October 19th
End Date: 2023 November 5rd
Note: Winner will be randomly selected and contacted within 3 business days after the giveaway ends
Winner will be announced on our social media
#actionfigure #hiyatoys #figurephotography #collectibles #toys #giveaway #gijoe

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