Vanaf 12 juni ligt G.I. Joe A Real American Hero 281 in de winkel. Dit is het eerste deel van een arc van vijf delen, Murder by Assassination. Alle covers, Previews en artwork wat ik van deze issues zal vinden plaats ik hier in dit artikel, wat inhoudt dat ik dit de komende maanden geregeld zal updaten.
Nu de preview van 281 is verschenen ben ik direct erg enthousiast over de stijl van Andrew Griffith!!! 🔥🔥🔥👌🏽
En er is meer om enthousiast over te raken bij deze arc. Wat te denken van 5 covers die 1 illustratie vormen van Freddie Williams II?! De inked versies van zowel het geheel, wat hieronder te zien is, als de losse covers en details daarvan zijn inmiddels op zijn Twitter verschenen en daarom al opgenomen in dit overzicht. De kleuren zijn van Andrew Dalhouse.
Maar er zijn ook al veel van de anders Covers bekend, dus ook deze kun je reeds vinden in dit artikel. als ik meer vind, dan zal ik dat toevoegen.
En ik werd erg enthousiast toen Tom Waltz via Twitter, al maanden geleden, een schets van niemand minder dan Larry Hama deelde, van een nieuw karakter wat in deze issues zal verschijnen. Met de nodige mystiek zei hij:
When #GIJoe A Real American Hero #281 hits stores, @glovestudios joins #Larry Hama for the start of a new arc (#MurderByAssassination) & the origin of a brand-new JOE!
Meet Sergeant Regina Allen. Army Combat MP. Future JOE warrior. Codename: [redacted].
Deze schets vind je hier direct onder. Daaronder het vijfluik van Freddie Williams II en daaronder per issue de informatie over het issue, de covers, preview en artwork. 👌🏽🔥❤
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Sherlock sketch by Larry Hama

Andrew Griffith deelde op Twitter een afbeelding van Sherlock, die me erg deed denken aan de schets van Larry Hama! Dus vroeg ik of zijn illustratie op die van Hama was gebaseerd. En dat was een soort van waar, zoals je hieronder kunt lezen... 👌🏽🔥❤

Sort of. He sketched out her original military look and then I drew up her “MP/detective/Joe” look.
— Andrew Griffith (@glovestudios) May 13, 2021
5 connecting covers by Freddie Williams II via Tom Waltz

IDW Publishing:
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #281
“Murder by Assassination” Part 1! A brand new arc… and a brand new character! In the aftermath of the chaotic events of “SNAKE HUNT” (issues #266-275), the JOEs are in a tough spot with the brass in Washington, D.C. Called to testify before a confidential sub-committee intent on investigating the off-the-books dmission, a small group of JOEs find themselves embroiled in an entirely different kind of investigation… the murder/mystery kind! Help our heroes search for clues, alongside Living Legend Larry Hama, superstar artist Andrew Griffith (Transformers), as well as a brand-new JOE, whose origin is seen here for the first time ever—codename: SHERLOCK!
IDW Preview
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Andrew Griffith
Colors: J.Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Senior Editor: Tom Waltz
Editor: Megan Brown
Research Assistant Assistant: Diana Davis
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Cover B:
Art by Freddie Williams II
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Retail Incentive RI:
Art by Casey Maloney
Colors by J.Brown
In Shops: May 12, 2021
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown

Clean Cover Art via Tom Waltz

Inks via Tom Waltz

Inks by Casey Maloney

Preview via Bleeding Cool

Page via Tom Waltz

Nog wat exta panels en pages via Tom Waltz!

Cover B inks & details Freddie Williams II

IDW Publishing:
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #282
“Murder by Assassination” Part 2! Murder, mystery, and mayhem continue as the newest JOE continues her investigation into Cobra chaos. Can she, with the help of some special friends, solve the mystery and the save the day before it’s too late? The plot thickens as Living Legend Larry Hama and superstar artist Andrew Griffith (Transformers), continue their bombastic tale featuring the exciting new JOE team member—codename: SHERLOCK!
IDW Preview
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Andrew Griffith
Colors: J.Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Senior Editor: Tom Waltz
Editor: Megan Brown
Research Assistant: Diana Davis
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Cover B:
Art by Freddie Williams II
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Retail Incentive RI:
Art by John Royle
Inks by Jagdish Kumar
Colors by James Offredi
In Shops: 10 June, 2021
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown

Cover A inks via Andrew Griffith

Cover B inks & details Freddie Williams II

Clean Cover via John Royle

Inks via John Royle

Preview via Previews World

Inked pages by Andrew Griffith

IDW Publishing:
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #283
“Murder by Assassination” Part 3! Murder, mystery, and mayhem continue as the newest JOE continues her investigation into Cobra chaos. Can she, with the help of some special friends, solve the mystery and save the day before it’s too late? The plot thickens as Living Legend Larry Hama and superstar artist Andrew Griffith (Transformers), continue their bombastic tale featuring the exciting new JOE team member—codename: SHERLOCK!
IDW Preview
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Andrew Griffith
Colors: J.Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Senior Editor: Tom Waltz
Editor: Megan Brown
Research Assistant: Diana Davis
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Cover B:
Art by Freddie Williams II
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Retail Incentive (RI):
Art by John Royle
In Shops: , 2021
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown

Clean Cover Art via Tom Waltz

Pencils via Andrew Griffith

Cover via John Royle

Retail Incentive Artwork shared by Vic Hollins & Tom Waltz

Cover B in Color, Inks & Details by Freddie Williams II

Close up inks via Andrew Griffith

IDW Publishing:
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #284
IDW Preview
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Andrew Griffith
Colors: J.Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Senior Editor: Tom Waltz
Editor: Megan Brown
Research Assistant: Diana Davis
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Cover B:
Art by Freddie Williams II
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
In Shops: June, 2021
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown

Cover B Inks & Details by Freddie Williams II

IDW Publishing:
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #285
IDW Preview
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Andrew Griffith
Colors: J.Brown
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Senior Editor: Tom Waltz
Editor: Megan Brown
Research Assistant: Diana Davis
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Cover B:
Art by Freddie Williams II
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
In Shops: June, 2021
Imprint: IDW
Page Count: 32
Color: Full Color
Yo Joe!!! 👊🏽
Cover A:
Art by Andrew Griffith
Colors by J.Brown
Pencils via Tom Waltz

Cover B Inks & Details by Freddie Williams II

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