Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide
Action Force van Palitoy is de oudere broer van G.I. Joe uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk die vocht tegen Baron Ironblood en kornuiten, wat vervolgens verschoof naar G.I Joe VS. Cobra. Waar het nieuwere speelgoed dus deels overeen kwam met wat we kennen uit de Verenigde Staten, was het oudere speelgoed uniek. Ook in Nederland hebben we Action Force gekend.
Nu is er een Kickstarter project gestart door Blood for the Baron waarbij je een ultieme speelgoed gids kunt kopen, eventueel aangevuld met geweldig toffe posters! 🔥🔥🔥
Zonder er nog langer over door te ratelen hieronder de originele tekst van het project en als je het direct wilt ondersteunen dan kun je dat doen door hier te klikken.
Yo Joe!!! ❤

Action Force - Palitoy Collectors' Guide
Brand-new edition of the Action Force Guide book, updated with new images and information.
This Kickstarter project is to raise funding for a second edition of the popular Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide from www.bloodforthebaron.com. The 300 pages of content have each been digitally overhauled to provide an improved print quality, as many of the photographs in the first edition came out far too dark. Lots of the pages have been updated with new images and information and the handful of typos have all been corrected!
Another improvement is the laminated cover, providing additional strength to the spine, as some customers found the first edition to be too flimsy for the weight of the book. Production will be moved from China to the UK, which will remove the shipping delays experienced the last time. Printing will be handled by Carly Press.
The Action Force fansite www.bloodforthebaron.com has been runnning for 17 1/2 years, dedicated to bringing word of these exclusive UK toys to their long-lost cousins in the GI Joe community. Created purely for the love of the brand, Jim Marshall's explosive guide is the first of its kind, weighing in at 300 pages and covering every aspect of this amazing toy range by Palitoy.

Action Force toys
From the original 'Action Man in miniature' to the ever-popular Red Shadows and their Action Force counterparts; Z Force, Q Force, Space Force and the SAS. Also included are the German Anti-Terror Team variants and the exclusive UK GI Joe and Cobra releases.

Action Man

The Red Shadows and Terror Bande


Z Force and ATT

Q Force and TSATT

Space Force and WATT



Action Force comics

Action Force fanclub merchandise
With over 2000 new photographs, the guide also features full information on the plethora of cardbacks, comic books, fanclub packs and promotional merchandise. The Palitoy Collectors' Guide is a must-have for Action Force and GI Joe fans alike.

Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special
Every pledge will also receive a free copy of the 100-page Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special companion magazine and the fantastic 16-page repro micro-comic.

Action Force micro-comic
Additional tier rewards available are the BFTB.UK exclusive 5-poster set, available in A4 (210x297mm), A3 (297x420mm) and A2 (420x593mm) formats.

Action Force figures poster

Action Force comics poster

Baron Ironblood poster

SAS poster

Roboskull poster
Risks and challenges
The risks of this project are limited by the prior implementation of a publication commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Action Force. The 30th Anniversary special addressed the same subject matter as this Collectors Guide with a similar format, content and publisher. All these factors will contribute to the successful implementation of this follow-up project.
Additionally, the expanded content of this Guide has already been largely already developed by the same team due to the depth of the material developed for the BFTB website itself. For this larger volume, special quotes from the publisher and for distribution have already been secured, costed and factored into the price per unit.
Market research has also been factored in to accommodate the likely distribution costs to North America, Europe and Australasia.
Most importantly, regular progress updates will be posted on the BFTB forum and social media pages.
Learn about accountability on Kickstarter
Back this project - Rewards
Pledge £50 or more
Collectors' Guide + free magazine
A brand-new printing of the 300-page Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide, updated with new images and information. The entire book has received a digital overhaul, fixing the problem of the dark photographs from the first edition. Another upgrade is a laminated cover to provide additional strength to the spine. All pledges will receive a bonus free copy of the 100-page Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special as well as a repro Action Force micro-comic.
Jan 2021
Anywhere in the world
Pledge £60 or more
Collectors' Guide, magazine + A4 posters
A brand-new printing of the 300-page Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide, updated with new images and information. The entire book has received a digital overhaul, fixing the problem of the dark photographs from the first edition. Another upgrade is a laminated cover to provide additional strength to the spine. All pledges will receive a bonus free copy of the 100-page Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special as well as a repro Action Force micro-comic. For an extra £10 you can also get a set of 5x A4 Action Force posters.
Jan 2021
Anywhere in the world
Pledge £80 or more
Collectors' Guide, magazine + A3 posters
A brand-new printing of the 300-page Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide, updated with new images and information. The entire book has received a digital overhaul, fixing the problem of the dark photographs from the first edition. Another upgrade is a laminated cover to provide additional strength to the spine. All pledges will receive a bonus free copy of the 100-page Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special as well as a repro Action Force micro-comic. For an extra £30 you can also get a set of 5x A3 Action Force posters (sent folded).
Jan 2021
Anywhere in the world
Pledge £100 or more
ABOUT €110
Collectors' Guide, magazine + A2 posters
A brand-new printing of the 300-page Action Force Palitoy Collectors' Guide, updated with new images and information. The entire book has received a digital overhaul, fixing the problem of the dark photographs from the first edition. Another upgrade is a laminated cover to provide additional strength to the spine. All pledges will receive a bonus free copy of the 100-page Action Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Special as well as a repro Action Force micro-comic. For an extra £50 you can also get a set of 5x A2 Action Force posters (sent folded).
Jan 2021
Anywhere in the world
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