Op Twitter had Scrap Iron vandaag een nieuwe profielfoto (zie boven) waarvan ik benieuwd was wie de artiest was. Dit bleek Snake Eyes TxR te zijn. Die volg ik zelf ook al even en ik weet daarom dat hij recent het potlood weer ter hand heeft genomen. En ik kan alleen maar zeggen: "We want more!!!" 🔥
Nu is er al meer, niet al te veel, maar zeker de moeite waard om dit met jullie in een artikel te delen. We kunnen alleen maar hopen dat we dit overzicht in 2023 veelvuldig kunnen gaan aanvullen. 🙏🏼
Yo Joe! 👊🏽
Hieronder wat close ups van deze prachtige...
Scrap Iron

Een tweet van William Mitchner:
"Major shout out to @snake_eyes_txr for this amazing piece that will be used when I complete this dissertation! One of my favorite Joes from my childhood reading my dissertation! This was an amazing surprise to wake up to after moving yesterday! #Yojoe #Art #PhDLife #GIJoe"

Ook deed hij dit jaar mee met G.I.January onder de hashtag #gijan2022, hieronder de heerlijke resultaten! 🔥🔥🔥
Snake Eyes
Ok! A self portrait sketch to start off #gijan #gijan2022. Thanks to @followthekaiser and @RobertAtkinsArt for the encouragement and motivation to get drawing again! My goal is to get every one sketched out, even if it takes longer than the 31 days. Yo Joe!

Storm Shadow
Here is my fellow martial arts expert #stormshadow posing for #gijan #gijan2022. Thanks again to @RobertAtkinsArt and @followthekaiser for the event! Having fun and learning lots. Looking forward to the next one!

Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce - #gijan #gijan2022. Got this far in one sitting. Too much fun... But I am gonna pay for it in the morning. Up too late! Still... Worth it. Thanks again to @RobertAtkinsArt and @followthekaiser for the GIJan event, encouragement and motivation to keep on drawing!

Cobra Commander
#cobracommander classified style. Trying different things with each drawing in this #gijan #gijan2020 event. Having fun with each one. Thanks for the encouragement to keep on crankin' em out @followthekaiser and @RobertAtkinsArt. You guys are inspiring!

Lady Jaye & Destro
Well, I thought I would do a combo for #ladyjaye #destro for the #gijan #gijanuary event. Life happened and delays ensued. Finally got it to the point where I can move forward! Much fun and learning. @RobertAtkinsArt @followthekaiser thanks for the event and encouragement!

#gijan2020 #scarlett #gijanuary2020 #gijan. Here's Scarlett. Started with this pose and just kept going. Got lots of ideas for the next time I draw her, but for now, onward! Follow @followthekaiser @RobertAtkinsArt for more GIJoe fun! And join in!

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