Zeldzame folders via Jason Packard 🔥🔥🔥

Gepubliceerd op 10 februari 2024 om 23:39

Vandaag deelde Jason Packard een hele toffe folder op Facebook "Mission Rescue: Code Blue". Een bijzonder stuk papier over een bijzonder stuk plastic. Dit wilde ik graag met jullie delen. 🔥🔥🔥

De voorkant zie je hierboven, en hieronder zie je de binnenkant en zelfs de enveloppe. En hij had nog iets tofs! 💡

Zeldzame Toys "R" Us folders met de Night Force lijn. Deze moeilijke te vinden stukjes papier heeft Packard digitaal gerestaureerd en verwerkt tot fysieke prints die hij te koop aanbiedt. Het is een beperkte oplage, dus wacht niet te lang als je deze ook zou willen hebben. 😎🔥

Yo Joe! 👊🏽


Mission Rescue: Code Blue

Jason Packard deelde de volgende tekst bij de foto's:

"As always, bringing you VERY rare paperwork. Here we have MISSION RESCUE: Code Blue. Named for the new Steel Brigade V2, as it was coded as “new Joe blue/green” on the packing receipt, this is the FIRST promotion for this famous figure.

This is the ONLY example of this I’ve ever seen and it took me years to find. This was ONLY sent to subscribers of Hasbro direct & promotions and because of this is **hundreds of times more rare** than the standard retail catalogs that came inside GI Joe boxes. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. Thank you, @everyone"


Toys "R" Us Night Force

Hierbij schreef Packard de volgende tekst:

"@everyone last call! Just $24 and Limited to 30 sets! The Toys R Us Night Force flyers! I'd like to share the joy of night force with you.


Night Force was not advertised on TV or anywhere else *except* flyers printed by some toysrus stores. Wave I was published in 1988 and wave Il was published in 1989. Today, these are INCREDIBLY rare, in the past decade I've seen barely more than 2-3 of these intact, almost every single one was thrown away or shredded. After years of searching I finally acquired the wave Il and spent considerable time digitally remastering these to repair ink loss and creases, and even fixed the working names which were hastily added before Hasbro had the correct names (EX: the night boomer was named "night strike"!) These are printed on heavy cover stock with backside, and display beautifully framed with your other night force collection.

Thank you."



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